The QENDO Blog

The QENDO Blog is a platform focused on providing valuable content related to the health, well-being, and lifestyle of people with endometriosis. It offers informative articles, personal stories, expert advice, and resources to support individuals navigating this chronic condition. The blog aims to raise awareness, educate, and create a sense of community for those affected by endometriosis.


My PCOS Story with Victoria Rouru

PCOS affects 1 in 10 of reproductive age and remains surrounded in a great deal of myth and misinformation. Here at QENDO we’re helping our community to better understand the realities of PCOS by shining a light on the many voices of those affected. Today on the blog Victoria Rouru shares her PCOS story, one which has spanned 11 years. She talks about the misinformation and lack of awareness surrounding her diagnosis, her struggles with PCOS related body image, and taking control of her health. We also go back to basics on what exactly is polycystic ovarian syndrome, and what are the symptoms we need to be aware of?

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

The Benefits of Counselling (Part One)

QENDO support worker and counsellor Amanda Grogan recently gave a presentation as part of QENDO’s At Home series about the benefits of counselling, with mental health an essential component of any chronic illness management plan. In a three part blog series, Amanda will discuss in depth the role that counselling can have if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness like endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS and/or infertility; covering the who, why, what, where and when. In part one, we'll cover the who and why: who are counsellors, and how do they differ from other mental health workers? And why might you see a counsellor, especially if you’re a member of the chronic illness community?

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Explaining Endo: Sarah's Story

In 2020 QENDO began formally offering our support and education services in New Zealand, after many years of connecting with our friends across the water. Working with our colleagues and listening to their stories brings to light the challenges and barriers those affected by endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS and infertility in NZ, and how much work we can do together to improve the experiences of these chronic health warriors. One such warrior is Sarah, who has graciously shared her story with us for this blog. To launch our 2021 blog season, we’re going back to basics and #ExplainingEndo.

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

Our QENDO Friendly Festive Food Guide

Having a chronic condition such as endo, adeno or PCOS is hard, and unfortunately the festive season can sometimes make it even harder! Not just the increased expectations (which you definitely don’t need to buy into), social commitments, energy draining questions and explanations about your condition etc, but also if you have food intolerances, triggers or are following a specific lifestyle can be hard when it comes to festive food! So we’ve done the hard work for you and rounded up our fave QENDO friendly recipes for entree / canapés, mains, salads + sides , and desserts, so you can enjoy the holiday season and not worry about feeling sick for days afterwards (because we’ve all been there)!

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

A Very QENDO Christmas

How long have you had your Christmas decorations up? We won’t judge. In 2020, we all need a little Christmas. Support Coordinator Dannielle takes you through QENDO’s guide to living your best Christmas life with chronic illness, and coping with some of the common issues facing spoonies around the holidays.

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"Advocate for Yourself": Bella's Story

Sharing your story is an act of both bravery and compassion, as so many of us started our journey to diagnosis by reading the experience of others and wondering “endometriosis - could that be me?”. In this blog Bella Mitchell shares her story and journey to diagnosis with endometriosis, and wants others to know that they are not alone, that they don’t have to put up with being dismissed or ignored - advocate for yourself!

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

A Letter To My Younger Self

Do you ever wish you could talk to your younger self and tell them what you know now? Support Coordinator Dannielle does just that in this blog where she imagines a conversation with her sixteen year old self, a conversation filled with understanding, compassion, and a little bit of frustration (for God’s sake, listen to your freaking biology teacher, okay?). In reflecting on our younger selves we have the opportunity to thank them for their bravery and appreciate just how far we have come, and address that next generation for whom we want so much better: early diagnosis, early treatment, improved quality of life for anyone affected by endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or infertility.

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"Value Your Worthiness, Gather Your Strength": Brooke's Endometriosis Story

Brooke Smith, 37, has had a long and complicated journey with pelvic pain, endometriosis, and now, adenomyosis. In this blog she shares her extensive journey and the medical professionals that have guided her along the way, taking us through the highs and lows so many of us with endometriosis have come to know intimately. From 14 to 37, Brooke has continued to stay positive in the wake of extensive and severe endometriosis, using her experiences to help others and our QENDO community. This post deals with infertility and IVF and may be sensitive for some readers.

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

QENDO Book Club

In 2020, we’re blessed with an abundance of books on everything from endometriosis to hormones to PCOS to harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle. Being able to pick up a book that so frankly discusses the body, the subjects so often considered hushed conversations or conversations off limits all together. We asked our QENDO community to review some of their favourite endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS and menstrual health texts. This blog is part one in a two-part series of reviews. Happy reading!

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

Our Best Clean Beauty Picks, So you can tell the Xenoestrogens to Sashay Away!

Did you know that we can use up to 12 personal care products each day (Taylor et al., 2017)? Your skincare, hair products, any makeup and perfumes - the list goes on! We’ve rounded up some of our fave clean beauty, skincare, haircare, deodorants and perfume brands so you don’t have to worry about it. All of these brands are not sponsored, just good and we’ve found some which are spendy and others which are savey, to try and find something that suits everyone’s budget!

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Ask a Pharmacist: Zoladex

It can be a challenge sorting fact from fiction, and horror stories from side effects when it comes to finding information on some of the medications and treatments suggested for those affected by endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or infertility. Zoladex is one of the most talked about topics in the endometriosis community, so in this blog we asked pharmacist Prue Luck to give us “just the facts, m’am” about how it works, so that we can all be informed and empowered to make the decision that’s right for us, armed with the facts we deserve.

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Shining Light on the Link Between IBS, Endo and PCOS

So many of us with endometriosis, adenomyosis and PCOS have found ourselves dealing with some debilitating gastrointestinal symptoms, whether it’s the dreaded “endo belly”, bowel pain, nausea or fatigue. Perth based Dietician Christie Lee Austin-Hore shares her wealth of experience in helping those with endometriosis by shining a light on the link between IBS, endometriosis and PCOS, and how a dietician can and should be one of the stars of your multidisciplinary line up.

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Occupational Therapy for Chronic Illness

Have you heard of occupational therapy? Did you know it can be a helpful part of your chronic illness toolbox for managing endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or infertility? Occupational therapy is more than just work, it can help you achieve your goals! Occupational therapists are masters of enabling your participation even while managing the symptoms of your chronic illness. OT Emma Diepenhorst from Elevation Women’s Health explains the role of occupational therapy in managing your condition.

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Ash Webb Ash Webb

Medicinal Cannabis for Chronic Pain: An Introduction

Something we are often asked about within our QENDO community is the use of medicinal cannabis. Is it legal? How do I go about getting my doctor to prescribe it for me? Is it included on the PBS? Can I drive while using medicinal cannabis? This piece discusses the legality around medicinal cannabis within Australia, as well as highlighting the process and information you may need to know when considering medicinal cannabis in your toolkit for managing your chronic condition

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Fertility Nutrition Tips for Endo Warriors

Stefanie Valakas, aka The Dietologist, is an accredited practising dietician and nutritionist based in Sydney, and through her online dietetics practice works with people all over Australia and even internationally. She helps those who are trying to conceive optimise their chances through tailored fertility nutrition, as well as helping those affected by endometriosis, PCOS and amenorrhoea. In this post she shares three fertility nutrition tips for endo warriors trying to optimise their fertility, whether pregnancy is in your present or far off future.

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Making the Invisible, Visible with Emily Abdolali

In this blog we hear from Emily Abdolali, who experienced a myriad of painful and debilitating symptoms from the age of 12, before initially being diagnosed with PCOS. Years later, still unable to pin down a cause for her pain or heavy bleeding, and enduring many painful ruptures of ovarian cysts, Emily finally sought another opinion. This is her story of being diagnosed with PCOS, endometriosis and adenomyosis. She shares her story in the hope that it will support and empower others to share theirs, and take control of their health.

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Talking Endometriosis with Emily-Jane

Emily-Jane Bromley, aka The Endo Nurse, is passionate about raising awareness for endometriosis and adenomyosis, as well as empowering patients to take control of their own health and find the management strategies that work for them, alongside their healthcare team. In this blog she shares her own journey from adolescence to diagnosis, and how focusing on her self care, listening to her body, and making changes unique to her situation changed her relationship with her chronic illnesses, improving her quality of life.

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Tiffany's Journey to Diagnosis

September is PCOS Awareness Month, and at QENDO we’re sharing stories from the incredible people in our community who live with this often overlooked condition - 1 in 10 are effected by PCOS. Tiffany Bright shares her journey to diagnosis with both PCOS and endometriosis, giving a name to the symptoms that she always assumed were normal, until she had a conversation with a workmate (and QENDO volunteer!) who shared their story and offered support.

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Hard Truths and Soft Edges

September is PCOS Awareness Month, and here at QENDO we’re sharing stories and resources from those living with PCOS. PCOS effects an estimated 1 in 10. Much like endometriosis, if you know ten people, you know PCOS. In this blog we meet Margo Reynolds, a talented artist and “cyster”, and the woman behind Soft Edges. Margo writes eloquently about living with PCOS and through her art and Instagram raises awareness about PCOS as one of the many conditions silenced for too long.

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