The QENDO Blog
The QENDO Blog is a platform focused on providing valuable content related to the health, well-being, and lifestyle of people with endometriosis. It offers informative articles, personal stories, expert advice, and resources to support individuals navigating this chronic condition. The blog aims to raise awareness, educate, and create a sense of community for those affected by endometriosis.
What is the Cause of Endo Belly?
If you suffer with endometriosis or adenomyosis, bloating and digestive symptoms, including the dreaded “endo belly”, you’ll know how debilitating these symptoms can be. So what causes our least favourite endo symptom? And what can you do about it? Enter Clinical Nutritionist Meredith East-Powell, who discusses some of the factors behind endo belly, and ideas for combatting this symptom.
Poetry for Endo Warriors
A member of our QENDO community, who is a talented wordsmith has kindly shared these two inspirational poems for her fellow Endo warriors. The author is 29, and has had three surgeries, as well as currently trying to conceive. She hopes that her poetry may resonate with someone in the community. Enjoy.
A Woman's Health Journey with Tish Singh
We continue with our international story series, hearing from Tish Singh in South Africa. Tish shares here her journey with PCOS and the road to diagnosis with endometriosis, one she is still travelling. In this eloquently written piece about a turbulent health journey, Tish hopes to empower others to advocate for themselves, listen to their bodies and know that they are not alone.
Elissa's Fibroid and Hysterectomy Story
Elissa Harris talks through a powerful and emotional story that started in adolescence and ended in a hysterectomy at 33. In this piece Elissa takes us through symptoms, having her pain dismissed by medical professionals, the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth with fibroids, and finally how she’s coped with having a hysterectomy. Elissa also talks about her journey on the QENDO podcast, Let’s Talk, Period.
"Endometriosis - It Was Me": Renee's Story
Nineteen year old Renee shares her journey with the symptoms that would eventually be diagnosed as endometriosis and IBS. She has been dealing with her symptoms since the age of 11 and was only recently diagnosed. Since finding out more about her condition, she has been inspired to raise awareness and educate through her Instagram account, helping others realise they are not alone on their journeys.
Navigating Painful Sex
Painful sex is common, that doesn’t make it normal or mean you have to accept it. Those affected by endometriosis and adenomyosis, as well as vaginismus, often cite painful sex as a major symptom of their condition. In this blog, Asti Maree shares her top three tips for navigating painful sex. Asti is passionate about empowerment and changing the narratives around sex. She is the author of “Pleasure Codes”,
Lauren's PCOS Story
PCOS is a hormonal condition which affects approximately one in ten who are of reproductive age, symptoms may include: an irregular menstrual cycle, excessive facial or body hair, hair loss, acne, reduced fertility, as well as depression or anxiety. Lauren shares her PCOS story with QENDO in the hopes of raising awareness and supporting others who have also been diagnosed with this common gynaecological condition.
Why It's Important to Have a Relationship With Stress
Sara Harris from Follow Your Flow guest authors this blog for QENDO, where she talks us through the impact of stress on our health and cycles, and how stress reduction should be an important part of our support plan for living with chronic illness like endometriosis, including her top tips on the subject. Sara has been working & studying in the field of complementary medicine for nearly two decades and is currently completing a Masters in Women's Health Medicine. She works in private practice in Complementary Medicine, Massage & Counselling.
My Hormone Nourishing Routine with Demi
Demi Spaccavento is a menstrual educator and founder of Bright Girl Health, and we’re happy to welcome her to the QENDO Blog to share how she supports her hormone health and overall wellbeing with this hormone nourishing routine. As a menstrual educator, Demi knows that knowledge is power and that better understanding your body and how to work with it can make an important difference to how you cope with your menstrual cycle, or with chronic conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, infertility and fibroids.
Stress and The Menstrual Cycle in Chinese Medicine with Maddy Walker
Dr Maddy Walker from Thrive Acupuncture and Wellness discusses stress the impact it can have on our cycles in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), emphasising a holistic approach that recognises periods not only as an event of the reproductive system, but one affecting our whole selves . She also discusses how acupuncture can help alleviate the impact of stress, and the other ways in which you can optimise your experience based on the principles of TCM.
Talking Wellness With Mel
Mel from House of Beauty Tofu talks about her new wellness space and journey to healing and self love that inspired this passion project and labour of love. As a fellow Endo Warrior, Mel has made The House of Beauty Tofu an endo friendly space and donates to QENDO to support her fellow endo warriors on their wellness journeys. Read about the space and what inspired Mel to start her wellness business.
Coping with Heavy Bleeding - Day and Night
Heavy bleeding is a common symptom for those experiencing adenomyosis and endometriosis, and is also associated with other gynaecological conditions such as uterine fibroids. It can be an incredibly frustrating, embarrassing and exhausting symptom to cope with. Read up about what needs assessment, some of your options to tackle heavy bleeding, and looking beyond pads and tampons to deal with your flow.
Talking Endometriosis in the Workplace (Part Two)
Our support coordinator Dannielle and HR/management consultant Tracey Stewart continue discussing this essential topic of chronic illness in the workplace with part two! In part two we discuss leave entitlements, flexible working arrangements, using your QENDO App as a tool to improve your workplace experience, and how employers can support employees with endometriosis. Dannielle also shares her experience of coping with endometriosis and adenomyosis in the workplace.
Emily's Adenomyosis Story
Sharing one’s chronic illness story is an act of both bravery and compassion, and doing so can inspire and empower others on their journey. Today we hear from Emily Johnson, who shares her adenomyosis journey, and how one odd symptom pushed her towards a diagnosis despite having other symptoms ignore since early adolescence. Emily is the instagram account @_livingwithadenomyosis_ an account that promotes awareness and education surrounding adenomyosis.
Talking Endometriosis In the Workplace (Part One)
Conversations in the workplace about endometriosis can be difficult, but armed with the right information, expectations and your rights in the workplace, you can make the conversation easier. In this two part blog series, we’ll give you a comprehensive overlook of some of the most frequently encountered issues in the workplace when it comes to talking chronic illness, and some strategies to overcome them, as well as the support available to you.
"A Hard But Enlightening Journey" with Neha Chudasama
We’re continuing our stories from the international QENDO community with the UK and endo warrior Neha Chudasama, who describes her endometriosis journey as hard but enlightening. In this blog she talks about the challenges of talking about a taboo subject in her family, as well as feeling alone and isolated before receiving her diagnosis. Read all about her journey here.
Promoting Empowerment and Inclusivity in the QENDO Community
In this blog we share the perspectives of some of our LGBTIQA+ chronic illness community and the unique challenges they face every day in their endo, adeno, PCOS, infertility or pelvic pain journeys. Only through awarenesses and listening to the many unique voices in our community can we better understand how we promote empowerment, inclusivity and advocacy for any individual affected by these illnesses. Hear these perspectives and learn about some of the safe spaces within QENDO where you can find support!
Talking Chronic Illness With Your Partner
Your partner is often one of the most important people in your life, inevitably they become part of your chronic illness journey, but while some partners naturally step into the role of support person, for others it can be a challenge understanding what that role is and how they can support you on your journey. Today, let’s talk about how you can talk to your partner about chronic illness, what resources are available to support both of you, and starting that journey to understanding.
24/7 Support for Everybody
We announced our new 1800 number today to ensure anyone affected by endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or infertility is able to feel safe, supported and included when accessing the 24/7 support line. Our new number, 1800 ASK QENDO (1800 275 573636) feels right and more reflective of our views within the organisation. For more information as to why we felt it was right we changed our number, read on.
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