Poetry for Endo Warriors

By A QENDO Community Member

A member of our QENDO community, who is a talented wordsmith has kindly shared these two inspirational poems for her fellow Endo warriors. The author is 29, and has had three surgeries, as well as currently trying to conceive. She hopes that her poetry may resonate with someone in the community. Enjoy.

To the friends and family who stand beside us, wake us up from surgeries, hand us heat packs, hold our hair back, wash our faces, stay up with us through the night. 
To the partners who love us through it, who cry with us, hold us when the pain gets too much, tell us it’s going to be okay and look at us like we are perfect in our darkest times
To the women suffering in silence, to the shame we feel and the heaviness of fear of failing. 
To the pain that suffocates us, torments us, consumes our tiny bodies. 
To the bodies who fight, that carry us from suffering to flourishing. 
To our bodies who tell us when something is wrong, that praise us when we do something right. 
To the doctors who turned us away with no answers,
To the doctors who listened and aided in our recovery. 
To the women who fight for their day to day to be okay. 
To the women who wake up in pain and go to work any way,
Who smile through it all, who love the world anyway. 
To the women doing this for their future children,
To the heartache, heartbreak and suffering other parents have felt.
To the devastating realities, complications and dark days. 
To the lively moments, the treasured care free and pain free minutes. 
To the life force of femininity. 
This is for you. 

hide and seek

Hide shame, seek support 

Hide blame, seek answers 
Hide pain, seek experiences
Hide suffering, seek opportunity 
Hide vulnerability, seek power 
Hide fury, seek freedom 
Hide guilt, seek love 
Hide fear, seek adventure 
Hide weakness, seek perfectionism 
Hide heart-ache, seek feminity
Hide embarrassment, seek dignity 
Hide questions, seek balance  
Hide anger, seek joy 
Hide negativity, seek fun 
Hide anguish, seek hope 
Hide insecurity, seek carelessness 
Hide grey, seek highs 
Hide angst, seek normalcy
Hide me, seek other 
Hide inadequacy, seek accomplishments 
Hide fog, seek clarity 
Hide panic, seek solutions 
Hide loss, seek awakening 
Hide limitations, seek control 
Hide nothing, seek honesty
Hide doubt, seek control
Hide fear, seek warrior.