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12 hour Charity Live Stream by georgeforemangrl


On Saturday 26 March I'll be hosting my very first 12 hour Charity Live Stream event to help raise awareness and support for Endometriosis - a disease that impacts 1 in 9 women in Australia, including me!

100% of all profits generated throughout the day will be donated to the amazing team at QENDO who not only support those who are impacted by Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, PCOS & infertility but who also help to fund the much needed research into our diseases.

Learn more about Endometriosis and the QENDO team here!

DATE: Saturday 26 March (AUS)

Time: 11:00am AEDT


What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to that which normally lines the uterus grows in other parts of the body, usually in the pelvic cavity. With each period, as the lining is shed, this tissue, which is outside the uterus also bleeds. This bleeding causes inflammation and from this; scar tissue, cysts and adhesions are formed.

What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is the Sister Disease to Endometriosis where the Endometrium grows inside of my uterus muscles, causing severe pain and bleeding every month but unlike Endo, Adeno can be cured with a full hysterectomy.

Learn More

Why are you hosting a charity stream?


I have Stage 4 Endo (the most severe form) as well as Adeno which impacts my life in some pretty significant ways. March is the global month for raising Endo-Awareness, so I thought this was the perfect way for me (us!) to get involved!

A bit more context...

1 in 9 of those who have or previously have had a uterus, have Endometriosis and sadly not only do I have Endometriosis but I also have Adenomyosis, the sister disease to Endometriosis.

If those stats weren't terrifying on their own, they also only reflect those of us who are fortunate enough to receive a clinical diagnosis - which can take 6 to 12 years.


I personally started experiencing Endo symptoms from my very first period (around 11 years old) but I didn't receive my diagnosis until I was 24 years old, meaning I lived with EXTREME and life-impacting pain for 13 years before my condition was taken seriously.


This is largely due to:

  • Medical gaslighting by doctors

  • Lack of training & experience in the medical industry

  • Lack of knowledge in our personal lives (e.g. through our Parents & Teachers)

With all of this in mind and given how much of my life is impacted by having Endo + Adeno, I want to make sure I'm doing my part to help educate the world on my diseases for the sole purpose of trying to reduce the "time to diagnosis" and "time to finding a cure".


There are loads of amazing NFPs & communities out there dedicated to helping those impacted by these awful diseases but QENDO was the first one I found who had content that really resonated with me during a time in my life when I needed it (them) the most!

They do an amazing job at delivering helpful resources in a way that is super easy to digest and have a team on stand-by to help you out, no matter what you need.

Here's just a few of the things I LOVE about QENDO:

  • They have a website full of AMAZING resources to help and/or educate us (and recently launched a FREE app for endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, pelvic pain and infertility)

  • They launched the worlds first 24/7 support line for those impacted by endo, adeno, PCOS and infertilty (+ offer face to face support groups)

  • They were instrumental in the development and ongoing advocacy of the National Action Plan for Endometriosis launched in 2019


  • They work around the clock to raise funds and awareness for those impacted by these awful diseases (which includes helping to fund much needed research!) and are extremely transparent about where & how their funds are spent

  • They are also working with local schools in Queensland to help educate the younger generations (and teachers) of the warning signs of Endometriosis

Support QENDO

20 March

March 20: Move in Endo

26 March

QENDOMeet Canberra