Sound Healing for Wellness

By Katie Jameson, vibroSound Healing

You may have been introduced to sound healer and reiki practitioner Katie Jameson at our CAYA retreat in January. Katie is passionate about using sound healing for wellness, and talks in this blog about how you can use sound healing as part of your toolkit. Chronic illness can take a toll on both mind and body, and leave one feeling exhausted mentally as well as physically. Read up to see if sound healing might be something new to incorporate into your endo, adeno or PCOS toolkit.

What is Sound Healing and How Can It Help Your Life?

Sound Healing is a powerful and holistic healing modality that encourages the positive development of a range of aspects in our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual worlds. We are living in a time where a heightened importance for holistic, integrative, complementary and alternative therapy is being recognized for optimum Health. In fact, Edward Cayce, an American Christian mystic, nicknamed “The Sleeping Prophet”, has said that “sound will be the medicine of the future.” Music and sound is the Universal language of mankind- a place where we go to express, feel and be supported, so it makes sense that we would find a space within this to Heal. 

So, what is Sound Therapy? 

Sound Healing is actually an ancient healing method, with origins in Egypt ,Greece, China and Tibet. Employing soothing, calming instrumentation and a deep understanding of music theory- Sound Healing is based in both the power of Spirit and Science. 

“Shamans used chanting and drumming to heal people, while ancient mystery schools in Greece, Egypt and India developed sound into a sacred science. The ancient Greeks used the flute and the lyre to heal the body and soul and to treat illnesses such as gout and sciatica. Pythagoras is known to have used specific songs and incantations to cure diseases of the body and mind. There are even theories suggesting that the great Pyramids were constructed using sound.”  — Conscious Wealth Institute 

Sound Healing is based in Vibrational Medicine, suggesting that the building blocks of human life and this Universe are structured in ‘Vibration, Frequency and Energy”. Nikola Tesla famously said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Your 'vibration' is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Health is largely about the state of flow, ease, peace, homeostasis in which we live our lives. When we’re healthy, we’re vibrating at a stable, consistent pace - with a beautiful flow and energy of mindful presence. When we are vibrating in health, we call this a 'healthy resonance’. ‘Resonance’ is the natural state in which something vibrates, whether it be an object, an emotion, an organ, a cell- everything has a natural resonant frequency! 

We can liken the human body to that of an Orchestra, where a group of cells form an organ- just as a group of instruments form the string section, or the brass section. When every player is performing their part in tune, in accordance with the ‘whole’ - we have a beautiful sounding piece. Our bodies work like this, each cell vibrating at its own note, joining together to form the kidneys, the lungs, the spin- eventually composing the whole physical body. We have many types of ‘bodies’ - the most dense - our physical body which is informed by our energetic bodies- our emotional, mental, spiritual. It’s important to recognize subtle energy as the basis which forms our physicality. 

"Energy is the living, vibrating ground of your being, and it is your body's natural self-healing elixir, its natural medicine. This medicine, this energy medicine, feeds body and soul, and attending to it restores your natural vitality. Energy medicine is the science and the art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at its best."

- Donna Eden with David Feinstein in Energy Medicine for Women

How can Sound Healing help?

So, we understand that everything has a natural resonance. However, life is full of disrupting, disharmonious frequencies, energies and vibrations. As felt and heard in the morning rush of traffic, the low-grade anxiety and pressure we face within our workplace, relationships, family contexts. It’s easy for us to become ‘detuned’ by these lower vibration energies; E-motions (Energy in Motion) such as fear, guilt, shame, 

“Fear, by its depressing effect on our mentality, thus causes disharmony in our physical and magnetic bodies and paves the way for [bacterial] invasion. The real cause of disease lies in our own personality. ..”

― Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies

When detuned long enough, our physical body responds to these disruptions as a way of letting us know ‘hey, something isn’t in alignment’. This presents as depression, low grade anxiety, fear states, diseases, illness, growths. 

Luckily, retuning our being is simply a matter of consciously allowing our states to be balanced- through Sound! Sound balancing can be achieved in many ways, through crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, gong, didgeridoo, flutes, the voice! Even our own voice has possibly the most powerful position in retuning our cells, our minds, our emotions. Laying in a sea of healing sounds, such as a crystal sound bath, takes our brainwaves into deep meditatve states with no prior meditation experience necessary. Through resonance it brings our cells back into harmony, order, structure- allowing and promoting peace, calm and homeostasis to return. 

“the influences of certain rhythms, sounds, and vibrations can help us resist and recover from a wide variety of ailments.” — the healing power of sound

We all know the power of music, to shift our moods and emotions! Sound is a powerful method which allows all states of our functioning to harmonically sing in ‘key’ with the rest of the orchestra. The effects of sound can be felt instantly, and stay with you for days. Reach out to a local space holding a sound healing event and feel the benefits for yourself!

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