Meet Team QENDO: The Pets of QENDO


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Times are tough and unprecedented, and we’re all spending a lot of time at home. For people with endometriosis, adenomyosis and PCOS, spending time at home, unable to leave for extended periods of time may be just another day at the office, many of us having experienced periods where our symptoms left us couch and bed bound. Sometimes our only constant companions have been those at home with us, and for team QENDO that includes our furry friends. The world right now is a stressful place, take a load off, have a cuppa, and meet some of our fabulous QENDO volunteers and their pets, and why they’re an important part of our chronic illness journeys. Only warm and fuzzies allowed in this space.

Teagan, Wide Bay Facilitator & Support Worker

Pixie is the QENDO queen. Always checking in on me and keeps me active always looking for more snacks. Pixie has been a QENDO mascot for some time, alongside my other animals, the other girls call it the Deer Zoo. I’ve also got donkeys, chickens, and my pup Luna - another legend of QENDO.


Sammii, QENDO Gold Coast Team

This is Niki. She is 7 years old, 29kgs and thinks she is a lapdog. When I’m having a flare she is never far away and becomes my hot water bottle.


Vidya, Gold Coast Facilitator

Ruffus Red is my little toy poodle who is always there for me! Wagging tail when we are happy, reminding me to stretch first thing the morning, drinking lots of water and reminding me to get some sun!

Zoey, General Volunteer

First is my 15yr boy Oscar who would't leave me alone the last time I had surgery. Then there’s this little fluff nugget who knows when I need a personal heat pack and tens machine and pressure pointing.

Kristy, Ballina Facilitator

I have three furry friends! First is Bodii , he’s a 2.5 year old Boston Terrier and my best friend. He keeps me accountable to exercise him with a daily walk and he is highly sensitive and knows if I’m struggling. Always by my side . He’s a big cuddle buddy. Next is Faith ( aka Faithy girl ) she is an 11 year old British Blue. She’s the matriarch of our family and gives good head bumps (frankly an essential service). Last, but not least, is Jovi , a 7 year old Australian Mist. The cuddliest cat ever. After surgery he lays against my back like a hot water bottle and he sleeps beside me every night running his paws through my hair.


Prue, Central Queensland Facilitator

This is Maisey,  she lives with mum and dad because I didn’t want to take her away when I moved, but when I FaceTime home and she can hear me, she runs to who ever is holding the phone to find me. I give her lots of cuddles every time I go home to visit - her whole life she doesn’t let anyone pick her up and hug her except for me and that is still the case 

Hayley, Ipswich Facilitator

This is DeeDee our Deaf Great Dane cross. Napping and generally living her best life is how she spends 80% of her days, cause it's hard work being this big and not being able to hear what's going on around you. She is my entertainment, exercise, alarm clock, shadow and Velcro dog. I've never owned a dog like DeeDee, she has changed my life in so many ways I never thought a hearing impaired dog could. Today alone she has run away and barked at a mop head (because it was scary), jumped up and thrown herself out of a room (because the moving pictures on the TV came at her....) And played ball by herself (because we don't do it right). I did say it was hard work being DeeDee, so after all that she's taking yet another nap!


Steph, Sunshine Coast Facilitator and Support Worker

First up is Emma, she's been with me for the bulk of my endometriosis journey. I find her to be a source of inspiration, because despite her own physical health issues, she's always happy, wagging her tail, and excited to see me. Mouse came to us during a period of grief and heartache. She's always by my side, whether it's sitting close to me while I study, or sleeping close to me at night. She's also been an amazing friend for Emma, with the two chasing each other around the house or stealing each others toys. There's something about dogs that makes the world feel better. It doesn't matter if I leave the house for a few minutes or a few hours, they also smile and wag their tails when I get home. Makes the bad stuff not matter.


Chantelle, QENDO Toowoomba Team

This is Miss Holly, she’s popular with team QENDO, particularly support coordinator Dannielle who will log into a QENDO meeting just to catch a glimpse of this fur baby on screen.

Ash, Treasurer and Darling Downs Coordinator

This pair of ratbags are Rocco and Rueben. They are my cuddly heat packs that always seem to know when I need some support or loving. They are my sounding board for my silly ideas and keep me smiling with their silly antics. They protect me, each other and their baby brother. 

Dannielle, Support Coordinator and Blog Coordinator

This sassy little queen is Sasha. She has been my baby girl since I was thirteen and was there for me every time I spent a flare up in bed, often with her fuzzy brother Toby (pictured right) who unfortunately died about a month after I left for the UK. Sasha now lives in Melbourne with QENDO Mumma, and reigns over her small courtyard kingdom with an iron paw, we discuss politics on FaceTime bi-weekly, naturally. Toby was the sweetest, most socially awkward fur baby anyone could have wanted, and was the perfect fuzzy hot water bottle if you were lucky enough to be selected for love and lap sits.. I related highly to his need for attention, but also disgust at anyone actually wanting to touch him or be in his space.

Sarah, Brisbane North Facilitator

This is Katamari, his name is Japanese for ‘big lump’. He’s my constant shadow and my favourite vibrating heat pad. On the days when my anxiety and pain are the worst, he’s my saving grace. I don’t know what I’d do without him