Become a QENDO Mentor

Be trained to assist and support those who are suffering from endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or infertility by our qualified QENDO Trainer. Our trainer will work with you to provide you the strategies, skills and tips for being a supportive QENDO Mentor. All training is completed online, and is easily accessible. Should you be accepted into the QENDO Mentor Program as a QENDO Mentor, you will be required to attend this training, and complete any associated activities.
If you want to assist someone to feel empowered, connected, supported, and build their toolkit, we’d love to have you on board with Team QENDO!
Please note you will need to upload a short video (less than 5 minutes) accompanying your online application.

Become a QENDO Mentee

We know what it's like when you first hear your diagnosis! There are SO many questions. We've been there before and we want to make those first few steps on your chronic condition journey a little less daunting! The QENDO Mentor Program is an 6-week program that gives you the chance to connect with a member who has been through, or is going through a similar experience to you.

QENDO Mentor’s are there to help you, by giving you someone to talk to and connect with, so you don't feel so alone, whilst also giving you practical strategies and ideas to add to your toolkit, leaving you feeling empowered and in control.

All that we ask is that you make yourself available throughout the 6-week program to connect and chat with your QENDO Mentor to get the most out of this program.


Places are strictly limited, so we recommend getting your application in as soon as possible. Simply complete the application form and our recruitment team will review your application and be in touch should you be successful.

The QENDO Mentor Program is online based and therefore open to anyone and everyone, we welcome all applications!
There is no cost associated with the program and it is run entirely by our amazing volunteers.